All of us — when we study at universities, get degrees, graduate from some courses — dream about making our knowledge and skills handy, about these things bringing us not only benefits but also a feeling of satisfaction and pride for ourselves, the so called self-realization. In short, we have a goal to work in a company that can give us all this, which can satisfy our ambitions and give us the opportunity to become what we want to be.

We have been in business longer than 20 years; we feel confidently in the market; we master new trends, and we enthusiastically plan our future. The company’s main asset is its employees. It is their knowledge, experience and self-confidence, which help us move forward steadily.

We do understand that work is one of the main areas of human activity; that is why we promote harmony in the workplace. Igma Capital Group LLC takes care of its employees ensuring their personal and professional growth; the company enables people to fully realize themselves in their chosen professions.

We are sincerely thankful to our employees for their high quality work and total dedication. After all, the company successfully achieves its goals through this. That is why we are always happy to discuss employment opportunities with the really good specialists who are confident in their abilities and who see the opportunity to fulfil their potential at Igma Capital Group LLC. We mean, above all, lawyers, engineers, economists, and other experts.

In addition, the company always has maintenance and support vacancies. We need administrators, electricians, plumbers, cleaners, and other workers.